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Mind+Body 4-Week Challenge Update

By MindBody-Admin | In group training, Gym, Uncategorised | on December 7, 2016

Two weeks ago 12 members started their Mind+Body 4-week challenge leading up to Christmas. They wanted not just results, but new strategies for effective training and health management.

This Mind+Body 4-week challenge includes: exclusive group training sessions for participants, weekly workout challenges, discounted personal training sessions and tailored seminars to maximise the learning and achievement of the 4-week program. Highlights so far include:

– Nutrition Seminar where a plan to cut as much body fat as possible in the 4 weeks was put in place .

– Mindset Seminar, delivered by certified mindset coach and author Dara Simkin, which focused on how to accept change and step out of our comfort zone.

– Self-Myofascial Release (Self Care) Seminar with Ambrose. This looked at how to manage your body from a musculo-skeletal perspective to consistently keep up high intensity in training without causing injury.

Half way through the challenge and some of the crew are already enjoying body-fat loss and improved energy levels as a result of the M+B holistic health approach.

health and fitness

4-week challenge participants hearing Mindset seminar with Life Coach Dara Simkin.

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Example of one of the Weekly Workouts designed for the challenge with Mind+Body trainer, Benny.

Contact Ambrose at Mind+Body for more information on proven and sustainable techniques for burning fat and getting in shape.

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Fitness & Personal Training