• Opening Hours


    Members All Year Round

    Weekdays 05:00 AM - 11:00 PM

    Weekends 07:00 AM - 07:00 PM

    Staffed Hours

    Weekdays 5:30am - 8:30am & *5:00pm - 8:00pm *(Not Fridays)

    Weekends 8am - 11am

  • 03 9419 9861


Born in Ireland, Leo had an interest in fitness as a young buck where he was a competitive runner, as well as trained in an array of martial arts.  Post being a fitness enthusiast he had a ‘sabbatical’ and felt first hand what it was physically-like to be a common man. . It wasn’t until he lost 15 kilograms after moving to Australia that he re-ignited the passion in fitness and wanted to help others get fit and reach their goals.


Cert III in Fitness

Cert IV in Fitness

Level 2 CPR & First Aid


Strength training


Body-fat loss


M: 0431682678

email: info@mindandbody.net.au

Mind + Body Fitzroy
Fitness & Personal Training