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Benefits of Soft Tissue Therapy

By MindBody-Admin | In News, Soft Tissue Therapy | on February 6, 2016

The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.

– Thomas Edison

As Thomas Edison mentions above the care of the human frame is vitality important to health and happiness. Soft tissue therapy takes care of that part of the quote by Edison and it is a vital part of anyone’s training and exercise regimen.

Soft tissue therapy comes in many shapes and sizes but we will go over  two therapies that work slightly differently but are aiming for the same outcome. Both of these therapy options are available at Mind and Body Gym.

The first therapy we will discuss is  Myotherapy.myotherapy photo

What is Myotherapy?

Myotherapy is a branch of manual medicine that focuses on the treatment and management of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. It involves a physical evaluation and an integrated therapeutic approach to affected muscles, joints, nerves, and associated viscera (organs) and is used to treat acute or chronic conditions and in preventative management.

How does it work?

Myotherapy uses standard methods of assessment such as postural evaluation and neurological and functional testing to determine the cause of musculoskeletal pain and associated dysfunction.

Myotherapy incorporates trigger point therapy and a range of soft tissue massage and manipulation including: muscle energy technique, dry needling and joint mobilisation.

A myotherapist may also use stretching, nutritional advice, exercise prescription postural advice and education, heat and cold therapy, ultrasound and TENS.

What can it help with?

Some of the conditions that Myotherapy can treat but are not limited to are:

– Stiffness and pain associated with poor posture,neck-pain 2

– Associated joint and vertebral dysfunction and pain,

– Acute and chronic conditions affecting

– Function and mobility,

– Headaches/migraines,

– Acute and chronic neck pain/’torticollis’,

– Sporting and occupational injuries,

– Chronic overuse syndromes tendonitis,

– RSI, tennis/golfers elbow, carpal tunnel,

– Acute and chronic back pain

– Sciatica,

– Shoulder pain, impingement pain, frozen shoulder,

– Knee, leg and foot pain such as shin splints,

– Patella tracking dysfunction, ITB friction syndrome,knee-pain

– Ankle sprains,

– Arthritis

– Multiple sclerosis,

– Pre and post natal complaints,

– Pain and discomfort associated with stress and tension,

– Rehabilitation stage of an injury or illness

What to expect?

Your myotherapist will perform a range of integrated assessments that may include:

–  a thorough patient history, PA 4

–  observations of tissues, movement and gait,

–  postural assessment

–  palpation of spine, peripheral joints, musculature, connective tissue and associated viscera,

–  clinical orthopedic and neurological tests.

The results from these assessments will form a diagnosis so the therapist can choose the best treatment approach. Some of the common treatment techniques are:

–  soft tissue mobilzation,Core Exercise 1

–  trigger point therapy,

–  myofascial dry needling,

–  myofascial release,

–  cupping,

–  postural correction,

–  corrective and core stability exercise


Want to book in for Myotherapy?

  1. Visit Australian Corporate Myotherapy and BOOK HERE

  2. Call us on 03 9419 9861 or 0413 860 014

  3. Speak to reception staff at Mind and Body Gym about booking in.


Neurostructural Integration Technique

The second therapy we will discus is (NST) or Neurostructural Integration Technique and is closely linked to osteopathic and chiropractic philosophy.

What is NST?

NST is a soft tissue therapy that uses simple flicking moves or PRI moves over muscles and areas of high muscular tension. PRI stands for Proprioceptive Rolling Impulse. NST was developed from the advanced work of Tom Bowen, the inventor of Bowen therapy. The application this treatment results in rapid pain relief, combined with increased energy levels and better overall health.NST 4

How does it work?

The practitioner will use a series of gentle moves on specific muscles or on precise points on the body to create a relaxation response. This response leads to a spontaneous automatic correction in the muscular, nervous, visceral and endocrine systems.

NST is performed with a light touch and can be done through clothing. There are pauses between sets of moves to allow your body to assimilate the changes.

The real secret to why NST works is it’s underpinning philosophy. Put simply NST’s philosophy is that the body is a self-regulating bio-energetic and biochemical NST 1phenomena which is designed to regulate itself. The body has a natural rhythm or cycle, which must stay uninterrupted if one is to enjoy good health and balance. By releasing neuromuscular imbalances throughout the body with NST, this has a direct impact on the proper functioning of the cycle and so the functioning of the body, leading to full health and wellness.

An NST session ranges from 20-40 mins depending on the issue at hand.

What can it help with?

Common conditions that NST can help with but not limited to include:

–  Jaw pain and TMJ syndrome

–  Headaches

–  Fatigue

–  Neck painNST 2

–  Lower back pain

–  Learning disorders

–  Structural imbalances

–  Dizziness

–  Scoliosis

–  Frozen shoulder

–  Menstrual disorders

–  Emotional depression

–  Bed wetting

Depending on the level of dysfunction and compensation in the body, an unraveling process may occur for 2-7 days after treatment. This is good news and indicates that the body is unwinding. Sometimes the unwinding is experienced as body aches or pains and gives feedback to the practitioner on where the body’s sticking points are and what to work on whilst continuing treatment.

The treatment is used several times for it’s full effects to be felt, however 85% of those treated report full pain relief after a few sessions. If the pain or function is not fully restored within 3-5 sessions there may be underlying emotional or biochemical imbalances that need to addressed through kinesiology or nutritional supplementation.

Who is it suitable for?

Due to it’s gentle application, NST is suitable for all ages ranging from infants and young kids, to athletes or weekend warriors or anyone that wants to restore their body to optimal functioning and be free from pain.

It is used as targeted approach to a particular injury or condition or as a maintenance tool for the body, ensuring structural and functional balance.

Want to know more about NST?

  1. Call Ambrose on 0413 860 014

  2. Speak to Nick Moss at reception or call 0416 293 374

Pain free





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