• Opening Hours


    Members All Year Round

    Weekdays 05:00 AM - 11:00 PM

    Weekends 07:00 AM - 07:00 PM

    Staffed Hours

    Weekdays 5:30am - 8:30am & *5:00pm - 8:00pm *(Not Fridays)

    Weekends 8am - 11am

  • 03 9419 9861


Here we go again

By MindBody-Admin | In Uncategorised | on November 7, 2020
Monday we reopen – Woohoo
Our Temp Hours will be
Mon – Thurs 5:30am to 8pm
Fri 5:30am – 6pm
Weekends 8am – 12pm (As restrictions ease we will adapt back)
Here’s the main conditions for entering
1)You must wear a mask entering and exiting the gym and whilst using shared Change rooms
2) Towels are a must
3)The previous set up in June remains, so grab a spray bottle at the entrance
4)You must use your Fob key on arrival to record attendance (These can be purchased at reception if you have lost yours)
5)Booking in classes essentials – Only 6 spots – No shows will incur a fee and result in not being able to prebook your spot. By not using your fob on entrance, this will also record as a missed class
6)No more than 20 MEMBERS at one time. This shouldn’t be a problem for us, but you will need to adhere to the 10 people in a room rule, so you may have to to take your workout upstairs. Refer to Guidance maps in Gym.
7)Try to keep workouts to an hour, particularly in busy periods (Showers remain closed but change rooms open)
With that we are excited to have you back.
We have also added some lunch time classes to stagger things around.
We can’t wait to see you all back 😃

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Mind + Body Fitzroy
Fitness & Personal Training